Police, Fire & Ambulance

For any emergency, please call 911 any time of the day or night.

Ambler Police Department
Ambler Police Department has 12 full-time officers trained to perform to the highest standards, and they maintain a fleet of three cars that patrol the borough 365 days a year. Ambler Police can be contacted in an emergency by dialing 911 any time 24/7 or contact the station for non-emergencies at 215-643-6444.

Community Ambulance Association of Ambler
Community Ambulance Association of Ambler serves the communities of Ambler Borough and Lower Gwynedd, as well as parts of Upper Dublin with a fleet of mobile intensive care units, EMTs, Paramedics and volunteers. For more information or to volunteer your time, call 215-643-6517 or visit www.amblerambulance.org.

Wissahickon Fire Company
Wissahickon Fire Company operates out of two volunteer-staffed stations – Ambler and Lower Gwynedd. It maintains equipment valued at over $3 million, and is supported by fundraising, and donations. For more information or to volunteer your time, call 215-646-5592 or visit www.station7.org.


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