
Ambler PD Voluntary Security Camera Registration

Turn your camera into a crime-fighting tool by voluntarily participating in this community-police partnership.  Residents and business owners with security cameras can now register their exterior surveillance cameras to help assist police to increase our ability to investigate criminal activity. Should an incident occur in an area where a camera is registered, the owner will be contacted by an officer to determine if the system captured anything that may be of value.  There is no fee, and your information will be kept confidential.  You may obtain a registration form at this website at “Documents & Forms / Forms, Permits & Applications / Security Camera Registration”  OR by emailing [email protected] OR by calling the Ambler PD at 215-646-1000.  You’ll be asked to provide contact information as well as details on the camera location and recording abilities. If you have more than one location to register please submit separate forms.

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