
YMCA Knight Park Summer Day Camp – Registration

YMCA KNIGHT PARK SUMMER DAY CAMP – ‘WHERE SUMMER HAPPENS’ Every summer, the Ambler Area YMCA, working with the Borough of Ambler, offers children residing within Ambler Borough a safe and positive place to spend their summer days — Knight Park Summer Day Camp. This year, camp will run June 15th – July 31st. Camp Read more

Water Main Break – Fort Washington Avenue

Water Main Break on Fort Washington Avenue (between Spring & Prospect).  The main will be shut down for repair.  Crew is on-site and will remain on-site to make the repair until the job is complete some time later this evening.  If you experience discolored water, do not open the hot water side of your faucet Read more

Growing Ambler Greener ZOOM Events

The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) will be conducting several Growing Ambler Greener Zoom events over the next several weeks.  Growing Ambler Greener. Clean Streams, Clean Water is an Ambler Borough Program to support our community in stewarding the Wissahickon waterways.  Interested residents can register at the website that is linked and they will be sent Read more

Businesses: Maintaining Building Water Quality Before Reopening

Ambler Borough Water Department Recommends That Building Operators of All Restaurants, Schools, Churches, Synagogues and Other Buildings That Have Been Dormant To Flush Their Plumbing Systems Before Reopening – To Help Maintain Water Quality. In light of the Commonwealth’s announced plans for phased reopening of the state, Ambler Water Dept. encourages building owners and operators Read more

Open Space Plan Update

At the direction of Council, in 2018, the Planning Commission had been requested to update the 2006 Open Space Plan to incorporate recently acquired parcels Edgewood Preserve, Wahl Park, Ambler Square, and 44 Tennis Avenue.   This Plan was adopted by Borough Council on November 6, 2019.   Overall, the 2019 Open Space Plan Update builds on Read more

Ambler PD Voluntary Security Camera Registration

Turn your camera into a crime-fighting tool by voluntarily participating in this community-police partnership.  Residents and business owners with security cameras can now register their exterior surveillance cameras to help assist police to increase our ability to investigate criminal activity. Should an incident occur in an area where a camera is registered, the owner will Read more

Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted Lanternfly — Why we are concerned and what residents should do about this invasive insect in our neighborhoods.  Learn about steps that can be taken to limit the spread and how to minimize damage to your plants and property.  The Penn State Extension has provided the attached flyer for website links you can access Read more

Smart Cycling – Bicycle Skills 123

Free workshop (registration required) for kids ages 10 – 15 will be held Saturday, March 30th from 10:00 – Noon.  Meet at the Ambler Borough Hall Gym (rain or shine).  Bring bike and helmet.  Children learn to ride safely, with more confidence, being taught safe bicycling techniques to advance their riding skills to discover the Read more

New Voting System Demos

Main Voting Demo — Opportunities for voters to become familiar with Montgomery County’s new Voter-Verified Paper Ballot System that county residents will use beginning with the May 21st Primary Election.  A special MontCoPA event will be held Saturday, April 6, 2019 (9 a.m. to 12 p.m.) at Ambler Borough Hall, 131 Rosemary Avenue, Ambler PA Read more

44 Tennis Avenue – Notice of Demolition by the Borough

Please be advised the Borough has authorized the demolition of the structures at 44 Tennis Avenue as part of a grant from FEMA for non-disaster hazard mitigation.   The contractor is authorized to start work between March 15, 2019 and March 27, 2019.     The demolition should take approximately three days. The demolition will be contained on Read more

Upcoming Meetings

6:00 pm Planning Commission Comprehensiv... @ Ambler Borough Hall Gymnasium
Planning Commission Comprehensiv... @ Ambler Borough Hall Gymnasium
Jan 28 @ 6:00 pm
The Borough Planning Commission will be hosting an open house regarding the comprehensive plan on Tuesday, January 28th 6pm-8pm.    This event will introduce the public to the planning process of the Comprehensive Plan and request[...]
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