Fire Marshall

Fire Marshall

The Borough of Ambler employs a fire marshal tasked with several responsibilities that impact the safety of all Ambler citizens and visitors. The fire marshal is responsible for determining the cause and the origin of a fire. Depending on the situation, this may require working with Montgomery County, state and federal Investigators, as well as investigators from the insurance industry.

The fire marshal’s office also works closely with the Borough of Ambler Building and Code Enforcement Department to ensure that all newly constructed or renovated commercial buildings conform to the existing fire code. The fire marshal is also responsible for working with property owners of existing commercial structures to ensure their properties conform to the current fire code.

The fire marshal is a salaried Borough of Ambler employee and although they often work together, the fire marshal position is not associated with the Wissahickon Fire Department.

Richard Lockhart Fire Marshall & Emergency Management Coordinator
Phone: 215-646-1000