Steve Smallberger » Public Utilities

The Ambler Water and Sewer Departments are located in the Ambler Borough Hall offices at 131 Rosemary Ave., Ambler. The Water & Sewer Bill (including Trash Bill for Borough of Ambler residents) is sent out quarterly.

Online credit card and E-check payments are accepted. A convenience fee will be charged for credit card payments. Click on “Pay Your Water Bill” in the right column to pay online.  You may also pay your bill in person with check, cash or Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Payment (checks only) may be dropped off in the 24/7 Lock Box located at the Ambler Borough Hall (Poplar Street entrance) parking lot.  Questions, concerns or complaints specific to billing or service can be sent to [email protected].

Public Notification for Water Issues
In the event of a water quality emergency we need to get in touch with our customers. We do this through our phone dial notification system called RaveAlert™. Please fill out the form below to add or update your contact information.

Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports
Ambler Borough Water Department’s Consumer Confidence Report, an annual Drinking Water Quality Report required by the Safe Drinking Water Act, will be sent out to our water customers in June and will be available on the borough website.  Please view our most recent Drinking Water Quality Reports:


What to Do About Discolored Water
Water can become discolored due to a fire hydrant being opened or in the event of a water main break. In the event you experience discolored water, DO NOT OPEN THE HOT WATER SIDE OF YOUR FAUCET – this will bring discolored water into the hot water tank. RUN COLD WATER only from your faucet for several minutes. Continue this process repeatedly until the water runs clear. If discoloration is severe, it also is suggested, if you have a water softener, that you bypass the water softener until the situation is “clear.” If the problem persists, contact the Water Department at 215-646-1000, ext. 110 or 111.

Water Line Protection Program
The Borough of Ambler’s Water Department now offers its residential water customers a Water Line Protection Plan.  Download the brochure and application to sign up for the plan:

Water Tariff & Rates
The PA PUC Water Tariff document gives the rates and rules governing the furnishing of water service to consumers located outside the Borough, in the townships of Upper Dublin, Whitemarsh, Whitpain, and Lower Gwynedd. Water charges are based on usage. For rates inside the Borough of Ambler please see Ordinance 1129.

Sewer Rates
Sewer charges are also based on water usage. The rate is $7.50 per 1,000 gallons of water used. Please direct any questions or comments to the borough manager’s office, 131 Rosemary Ave., Ambler, PA 19002, or call 215-646-1000 or [email protected].

Ambler Borough Water Facilities
For more information about the Ambler Borough Water Department facilities and system, please click here.

Water Emergency Phone Number 

Contact the Borough water department for non-emergencies or emergencies during business hours 8am-4pm Monday – Friday at 215-646-1000, ext. 110 or 111.    For emergencies outside of business hours please call, DO NOT TEXT, 215-669-3545 for 24 hour assistance.

Steve Smallberger

Water Superintendent Ambler Water Department
Phone: 215-646-1000 x124 Work Fax: 215-641-1921
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