Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has issued a drought watch for all of Montgomery County. Remember, in a drought watch, individuals and businesses should all be seeking to reduce water use by about 5 percent through voluntary conservation measures.

Below are some helpful tips on how to conserve water:
- Shut the water off when brushing your teeth and shaving.
- Install low flush commodes and flow-restricting aerators on your faucets.
- Fix small leaks in your bathroom toilet as soon as you find them.
- Install water-saving shower heads.
- Water your plants in the early morning and evening to reduce evaporation.
- Don’t run the hose while washing your car.
- Use your automatic dishwasher only for full loads.
- Use your automatic washing machine only for full loads.
- Plant drought-resistant trees and plants.
- Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.