

Borough Hall is open from 8-4:30 Monday – Friday.  For administrative business with Police Dept. call first at 215-643-6444.  Call 911 for true emergency.   Water payments may be mailed or dropped off at the lock box (Poplar St. entrance parking lot.)  We ask that residents limit requests for non-essential services.  Should you need to contact staff you may email the Manager at [email protected] or the Manager’s Assistant at [email protected].  Check the Borough website often for updates on regularly scheduled Borough public meetings or activities.

Upcoming Meetings

6:00 pm Planning Commission Comprehensiv... @ Ambler Borough Hall Gymnasium
Planning Commission Comprehensiv... @ Ambler Borough Hall Gymnasium
Jan 28 @ 6:00 pm
The Borough Planning Commission will be hosting an open house regarding the comprehensive plan on Tuesday, January 28th 6pm-8pm.    This event will introduce the public to the planning process of the Comprehensive Plan and request[...]
Meeting Videos
Water Portal Link
Pay Property Taxes