Civil service laws were created to assure that employees are hired and promoted on the basis of merit. A civil service commission is legally required in any borough that has paid police officers and/or paid operators of firefighting equipment. In Ambler, all of the firefighters are volunteers, so only the police are covered by civil service laws. The Ambler Civil Service Commission assures the integrity of police hires and promotions by overseeing the testing process and creating a list of qualified officers for use by Ambler Borough Council in hiring and promoting police officers. When necessary, the Commission also presides over hearings related to discipline imposed on police officers by Borough Council. The Commission consists of three residents of the Borough who are appointed by Borough Council and who serve for staggered six year terms. Meetings of the Commission are not regularly scheduled and generally occur on an as-needed basis.
Donato Coppolella, Chairperson
Cleneth Williams II, Vice Chairperson
Ed Curtis, Sr. Secretary
Bernadette Dougherty, Alternate
Steve Frustaci, Alternate
Anna Lee Lapinski, Alternate