
Growing Ambler Greener ZOOM Events

The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) will be conducting several Growing Ambler Greener Zoom events over the next several weeks.  Growing Ambler Greener. Clean Streams, Clean Water is an Ambler Borough Program to support our community in stewarding the Wissahickon waterways.  Interested residents can register at the website that is linked and they will be sent a link to the zoom webinar.  Here are the links to Facebook….which gets one to the tickets on event brite and allows for registration and the zoom link.

June 1st at 7pm Rainscaping: Homeowner Stormwater Solutions

Pour a glass of wine and join the Ambler EAC for a webinar on stormwater and how human intervention has impacted mother natures natural filtration processes. Of the course of an hour you will better understand why we should care and what we can do about it. We’ll show you some of Ambler’s rain gardens and permeable conversions. Resources are provided to aid homeowners in building their own gardens. Ambler Borough property owners will learn about Growing Ambler Greener, a Growing Greener Funded program to provide subsidies for stormwater feature.

Sunday June 14, 2020 from 9-10am Rainscaping Can Be Beautiful

Bring your coffee and hear how a determined community and a Pennsylvania Growing Greener grant is creating beautiful gardens in place of stormwater erosion and runoff while supporting MS4 clean water requirements. Growing community and environmental stewardship.  Learn the basic components of rain gardens, how rain barrels work, what downspout planter boxes are, and the benefits of permeable patios and sidewalks.  Get your online zoom link through the eventbrite registration.

Saturday, June 27, 2020 from 10-11am Ambler’s Summer Rain Gardens, a virtual tour

Grab a cup of coffee and join the Ambler EAC on a virtual tour of Ambler’s Summer rain gardens. Over the course of an hour we’ll visit 11 rain gardens in the borough. During this virtual journey you’ll learn about rain garden features and designs. You will also be introduced to common native plants and flowers planted in Ambler’s rain gardens. When you are finished with the virtual tour, download a PDF map that will include the locations of all of Ambler’s rain gardens. Then take your own physical tour and see which flowers you can identify and which are in bloom.

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