
Meetings to be Held at Borough Hall

Ambler Borough will once again conduct scheduled public meetings on site in the Borough Hall Public Meeting Room.  Refer to the Upcoming Events Calendar for specific meeting dates and times.  Council’s Committee Meeting & Council Meeting agendas will be posted on the Calendar prior to meeting dates & times.  All interested persons are invited to attend.  If you have a disability and wish to attend, or require an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation, please contact the Borough Manager.

Upcoming Meetings

6:00 pm Planning Commission Comprehensiv... @ Ambler Borough Hall Gymnasium
Planning Commission Comprehensiv... @ Ambler Borough Hall Gymnasium
Jan 28 @ 6:00 pm
The Borough Planning Commission will be hosting an open house regarding the comprehensive plan on Tuesday, January 28th 6pm-8pm.    This event will introduce the public to the planning process of the Comprehensive Plan and request[...]
Meeting Videos
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