
Open Space Plan Update

At the direction of Council, in 2018, the Planning Commission had been requested to update the 2006 Open Space Plan to incorporate recently acquired parcels Edgewood Preserve, Wahl Park, Ambler Square, and 44 Tennis Avenue.   This Plan was adopted by Borough Council on November 6, 2019.   Overall, the 2019 Open Space Plan Update builds on the 2006 Open Space plan and presents more recent statistics, information, and photos.   It is not intended to replace the 2006 Open Space Plan.   It has been updated to show new land acquisitions, land use changes, population and demographic shifts, and new goals / implementation strategies for these new parcels.   The plan also continues to emphasis the importance of stormwater management and references the 2014 Temple Study regarding Flooding and Stormwater Management.

The 2019 Ambler Borough Open Space Plan Update is intended to serve as a major tool to guide the future direction of current and prospective open space considerations in the Borough. This Update details the unique physical and cultural features of Ambler Borough while assessing growth trends in the area. An inventory of Ambler’s existing parks and open space areas is included in this update, along with a framework for future management of these amenities.

Currently, there are nine parks and open space areas under Borough ownership, totaling 23.5 acres.   Implementation strategies are included to guide the future of these resources and provide a framework for future preservation and land acquisition.  Overall, the 2018 Ambler Borough Open Space Plan Update will serve to guide the future of parks, natural features, historic resources, and open space in the Borough. Through careful planning and collaboration, Ambler Borough will continue to be a great place to live, work, and play.   Click here to view the plan

Open Space Plan Update 2019
Open Space Plan Update 2019
8.0 MiB

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