
Water Dept. Water Inquiries

The Borough of Ambler Water Department is, as always, actively working to insure the highest possible water quality for its consumers.  This includes testing our water supply wells for a range of perfluorinated compounds, including the two most critical compounds, known as PFOS and PFOA.  Ambler Water Department tested all its water supply wells for PFOS and PFOA in February 2014 and its largest, most vulnerable wells again in July 2016.  All wells and water storage facilities were again tested in October 2016.  Most recently, all wells and water storage facilities were tested in August 2018 and again March 2019 and subsequently in 2020 and 2021 and quarterly in 2022.  The Ambler Water Department will continue to regularly sample and test for perfluorinated compounds going forward.  We will also continue to monitor and respond to USEPA recommendations as they are issued.  Please scroll down to review Notices.